With the advantage of MS2 fragmentation NdS, NS, NP, NH, AdS, AS, AP, AH and DAG are reported as subspecies (i.e., DAG 16:1;0-16:0;0 – where the first number indicate length of a fatty acid (16), the number behind a colon indicates number of double bonds (1 or 0) and the number behind a semicolon indicates number of hydroxylations (0)). In ceramides the LCB moiety is reported at the first position, followed by the FA moiety (i.e., NS 32:1;2-16:0;0). EOdS, EOS, EOP, EOH, CE and TAG are reported as species. For example, EOS 42:1;2, where 42 is the total number of carbon atoms, the number behind the colon denotes the number of double bonds and the number behind the semi-colon denotes the number of hydroxylations.
With the advantage of MS2 fragmentation NdS, NS, NP, NH, AdS, AS, AP, AH and DAG are reported as subspecies (i.e., DAG 16:1;0-16:0;0 – where the first number indicate length of a fatty acid (16), the number behind a colon indicates number of double bonds (1 or 0) and the number behind a semicolon indicates number of hydroxylations (0)). In ceramides the LCB moiety is reported at the first position, followed by the FA moiety (i.e., NS 32:1;2-16:0;0). EOdS, EOS, EOP, EOH, CE and TAG are reported as species. For example, EOS 42:1;2, where 42 is the total number of carbon atoms, the number behind the colon denotes the number of double bonds and the number behind the semi-colon denotes the number of hydroxylations.